Monday, September 22, 2014

I Cannot Lose Weight - Stumbling Blocks On The Road To Weight Loss - Stumbling Block #2 - Skipping Meals

If you are saying I cannot lose weight, it is very possible that you are stumbling
over one of the
stumbling blocks on the road to weight loss. With good advice and the right diet you will never have to say I cannot lose weight again.

For more info on a healthy diet you can go to my Hub: How To Lose Weight Quickly

I have already discussed the stumbling block #1 which is unrealistic expectations. Today the stumbling block #2 is skipping meals.

Very often when people are on a diet they think they will lose weight faster if they start skipping meals. Well, nothing can be further from the truth. Skipping meals is one of the surest ways to fail with your weight loss efforts.

There are three reasons why skipping meals are one of the most important stumbling blocks on the road to weight loss. When you start skipping meals, chances are that you will get very hungry and be tempted to eat something that will not do your diet any good. Skipping meals often leads to a lack of self discipline and then you go completely overboard ruining whatever success you have had.

2. By skipping meals you reinforce the problem of I cannot lose weight, because you will not be getting all the nutrition your body needs. To stay healthy your body needs certain kinds of food in certain proportions and if you skip a meal you will not get it. Do not listen to any How To Lose Weight Tips that tell you to skip meals! For successful weight loss you have to eat a Healthy diet.

3. If you start skipping meals, and you do not fall into the two traps mentioned above, the possibility is very good that you will not eat enough. We all know that in the quest of How To Lose Weight, Calories have to be reduced, but if you eat too little it can have a very negative effect on you. Your body sees a famine coming on, slows down your metabolism to preserve energy for vital organs and weight loss becomes more and more difficult.

So, do not fall into this trap and trip over the second stumbling block on the road to weight loss. It is sure to have you saying: "I Cannot Lose Weight!"

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