Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How To Identify Fad Diet Plans #2 - You Are Not Allowed To Do Any Exercise

Today I would like to move on to the second way to identify fad diet plans. With so many diet out
there, you really need to be able to identify fad diet plans to prevent you from trying them as they can really be very dangerous.

The first way to identify fad diets plans that we looked at was that you are only allowed to eat very few calories every day. This then want our "How To Identify Fad Diet Plans #1"

How To Identify Fad Diet Plans #2 - Your Are Not Allowed To Do Any Exercise:

This is another very important way to identify fad diet plans. You can also see how it cannot possibly be a good thing. One of the corner stones of healthy weight loss is moderate exercise.

The reason why you are not allowed to do any exercise while you are on one of these fad diet plans is because you eat too few calories to be able to do exercises with safety. You are eating hardly enough to
keep vital body organs going, let alone do any exercise.

Keep in mind that muscles use more energy than fat, even when you are sleeping, you can understand that not being able to exercise is not good for you. If you combine this with the very few calories you are allowed to eat you are heading for disaster!

Two things are going to happen. Because you are eating so little, you body thinks there is a famine and starts to slow down your metabolism to conserve energy for vital body functions. This means that you will find it more and more difficult to lose weight.

The next thing that is going to happen is that you will be losing muscle instead of fat and that is not only going to make you weak, it is also going to slow down your metabolism even more because, as I've said, muscle uses more energy than fat.

You can then imagine that because you cannot do any exercise as well, you are going to lose even more muscle, slowing down your metabolism even more! Not the way to go if you are looking for permanent weight loss.

With the muscle you lose, as well as some water that you will lose, you may lose a few pounds, but you will lose very little fat. As soon as you re-hydrate again most of the weight will simply come right back.

In the end you will sit with problems because of the muscle you lost and you will probably gain even more weight than you lost because your metabolism has slowed down. Once again, not the way to go for permanent weight loss!

So, make very sure you steer away from all fad diet plans and go for a healthy weight loss plan. It is true that if you are looking at how to lose weight calories have to be reduced, but not too many. See the guidelines in: How To Identify Fad Diet Plans #1 - You Are Allowed ToEat Very Few Calories A Day

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