Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How To Identify Fad Diet Plans #1 - You Are Allowed To Eat Very Few Calories A Day

If you are thinking about weight loss, you know you will have to go onto a diet and do moderate exercise. The problem now is choosing a diet that will work. Most important, of course, is to be able to
identify Fad Diet Plans.

As fad diet plans can lead to many problems taking the time to make sure you do not fall for any of the fad diet plans is a good idea. To be able to do this you must be able to identify fad diet plans and steer clear from any of them.

Once you know all the characteristics of fad diet plans you will be able to choose a healthy diet that suits you. In this way you will have a far better chance of having long term success with your weight loss efforts.

How To Identify Fad Diet Plans #1:

We all know that if we are looking at How To Lose Weight Calories have to be reduced. That we cannot dispute, but in fad diet plans this is taken too far.

This is the very first dead giveaway of fad diet plans. You are only allowed to eat very little. The amount of calories you are allowed to eat on fad diet plans are way too little for your health's sake. So, if you see a diet where you are only allowed to eat very little you can be very sure it is a fad diet plan.

Eating so little will now have any good effects in the long run and you will also not be able to keep it up as you will simply be too hungry, in fact you will just about be starving.

So, do not even look at a diet where you are allowed very few calories a day. It is not safe to reduce your calorie intake per day with more than 500 calories than your body needs to maintain your weight.

To know how many you are supposed to eat to maintain your present weight you do the following math:

If you lead a mostly sedentary life you need 13 x your weight in calories to maintain your weight. So, from this you subtract the 500 calories and you know how many you need to eat each day.

If you are moderately active you take 16 x your weight and for very active you take 19 times your weight. From this you have to, once again, subtract 500.

There are easier ways than this to reduce the calories in a healthy way. Have a look at How To Lose Weight Calories for a few good ideas.

So, do not make the mistake of falling for Fad Diet Plans.

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