Monday, November 24, 2008

Failure And Diet - How Not To Fail During The Holidays

Failure And Diet - How Not To Fail During The Holidays

With all the holidays coming, maybe we should look at Failure And Diet. It is so easy for us to fail at our weight loss efforts in these times. A lot of motivation and some good common sense are needed to make it during the holidays. 

Your failure and diet problems can be solved:

  1. First of all have a look again at the eating out tips I gave you in a previous post.

  2. It is also important not to have an "all or nothing" attitude on the special days. Try to eat moderately, but still eat a little of all the nice food on offer. On Thanksgiving and Christmas for instance, eat with the family, simply watch your portions and keep them moderate. If you try and stick to a strict diet on these days you will feel deprived and you will be more likely to binge afterwards.

  3. Do not try and save up for these days. If you try to eat too little you will get hungry and that may be the start of yet another binge. Eat your normal allowance on the other days or save up only a little if you want to.

  4. Try and work off some of the extra calories by being a little more active. Go for a walk if the weather permits and engage in some other activities that you enjoy. If you love dancing, well this is your opportunity to go crazy on the dance floor!

  5. Drink enough water to help your body get rid of the toxins.

  6. Go slow on the other drinks, remember, alcohol lowers your resistance and may cause you to eat too much.

  7. Beware of the hidden calories in fruit juice and in other sweet drinks.

  8. Even though sodas are not a good idea, rather drink a low cal soda drink than many of the other sugary options.

  9. Above all, concentrate on enjoying the company and do not think about the eating too much. If you concentrate on the food all the time, you are also more likely to overeat.

So, during the holidays, with a little effort, you can still stay on track with your weight loss efforts and failure and diet does not have to be a problem.

Go and have a look at our site Strip All That Fat for lots more tips and info about weight loss.

Click Here!

For more tips and ideas, check out our Hub as well: How To Lose Weight Calories.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Have A Look At These "How To Lose Weight Tips" - Eating Out Tips

When thinking of How To Lose Weight Tips, you have to keep eating out tips in mind. One big dinner out can make a whole weeks hard work come undone. Keep these few tips in mind though and you will not have a problem.

1. Always order a starter. A green salad or a vegetable based soup takes the edge of your hunger and will prevent you from overeating later.

2. Do not drink when eating out. Alcohol lowers your resistance and may cause you to overeat unintentionally.

3. Never super size or up size your meals. Always eat the smallest portion available.

4. Remember, fresh food is best. Convenience food is normally very calorie dense and may cause you to overeat without even realizing it!

Good news! You can have weight loss success. Visit Hendrika's website if you are sick and tired of the yo-yo dieting! Go to: Strip All That Fat and get tips for a well balanced diet. Go to her Hub, as well, for even more tips: How To Lose Weight Calories.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Liqued Weight Loss Diet

Liquid Weight loss Diet

Are you thinking about a liquid weight loss diet? Many people who want to lose a few pounds quickly resort to some kind of liquid weight loss diet. There are many doing the rounds from the well know cabbage soup diet to shakes that are supposed to be used as meal replacements. They promise quick weight loss without too much effort.

Let's look at the pros and cons:

  • Pro: you will lose a lot of weight fast

  • Pro: if you have to lose a few pounds very fast for a specific occasion, it may be possible

  • Pro: if it is a shake that is nutritionally balanced your health will not suffer

  • Con: most of the weight you will lose will be water that you will put right back on as soon as you re-hydrate

  • Con: you will be very hungry as calories are very low

  • Con: If it is a diet like the cabbage soup diet, your nutritional needs will not be met and your health will suffer

  • Con: because the calorie intake is so low, your body will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down making weight loss very difficult in the long run

  • Con: you will be caught into the yo-yo diet pattern immediately

  • Con: you can keep this kind of diet up for only a very limited period and no real long term benefits can come from it

So, I think it is clear that this is not a very wise choice. A well balanced diet with slow but steady and healthy weight loss is a far better option. No permanent results can come from a fad diet. No weight loss diet, especially a liquid weight loss diet, which makes it impossible to do moderate exercise, is a good idea. A healthy diet and a moderate exercise program is the only safe way to go.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

How To Lose Weight, Calories Hiding In Beverages

How To Lose Weight, Calories Hiding In


If you are thinking about how to lose weight, calories hiding in beverages can play havoc with your weight loss efforts. Even fruit juices must be limited as they are normally very high in calories. Eat the whole fruit you need the fiber!

By cutting out soft drinks you are saving about 136 calories per drink, you will be shocked to know that a normal soda drink has about 10 teaspoons sugar in it. It is a frightening thought. All this sugar places a tremendous load on your pancreas as it tries to cope with all that sugar. Think of what this will do to your weight.

Unfortunately the diet variations are not a better option. It is true that they contain hardly any calories, but they disrupt your body's natural ability to curb your appetite, as was found by studies done at the Purdue University. So you can end up making losing weight even more difficult as you end up being hungry all the time. In the long run your body will not even register that donut you have just consumed.

For good weight loss it is best to stick to lots of water, homemade iced tea without sugar and black coffee with no sugar. Water is always the best choice if you want to lose weight.

21 Percent of our daily calorie intake comes from drinks and it can really turn into a calorie trap.

Have a look at these, for the normal portion sizes:

  • Milk shake: 598 calories

  • Flavored milk: 280 calories

  • The average sports drink: 150 calories

  • Soft drink: 136 calories

  • The average iced tea (not homemade, bought ones): 106 calories

  • Fruit juice: 125

  • Frappè latte: 100

So, if you are thinking about how to lose weight, calories hidden in those drinks must be kept in mind.

Have A Look At The Strip All That Fat Website!

Or--Download: Strip The Fat Now, Access Is Instant!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Weight Loss Success - Staying Motivated When It Comes To Weight Loss

For weight loss success it is vital to stay motivated. According to magazines, everyone sticks to a workout program for the first month or so. It’s fun and the gym is full of electric energy. You can’t help but come and be a part of it. Slowly though, the momentum begins to slow and we see the inside of the gym or the track at the high school less and less.

What can you do to stay motivated so you can have weight loss success? We all have our off days. Work drives us crazy, the kids are screaming, and on top of that we burned dinner. Okay so all of these things don’t happen at the same time, but they could. The last thing on your mind will be driving to the gym or throwing a tape in the VCR.

The problem with exercise is that when we miss one day it is easier to miss the second and the third day. Even when we enjoy it, other factors come into play. Family, work, stress, and things outside our control all can derail us at some time.

On the other side of the coin, we workout each day and watch what we eat. When we step on the scale after all that hard work and it hasn’t budged, that is not encouraging. It is a blow to the stomach and can send some people for the ice cream in the fridge to sooth their heartbreak.

Stay motivated by remembering why you decided it was time to lose weight in the first place. Losing weight can be the difference between living a healthy life and being on medication for conditions that are a result of obesity. Knowing that you may not be alive to see your kids grow up or grow old with your spouse is a major motivation to help you with weight loss success.

It is not the one cupcake or the one time you eat too much pizza. We all have times when we want to eat what we want as a way to kick back. It is falling back into bad habits that are the problem.

Another way to stay motivated is by changing your thinking. When you are stressed, exercise relieves stress. You don’t have to go to the gym. You can work in the garden. Ripping out weeds is a good workout and a way to beat the stress in your life. Imagine each weed is a problem you are gaining control over and pull baby pull.

I actually banned myself from using the scale. I stood on it to find out my starting weight, but then used my clothes as a guide for gauging how well I was doing with my program. This made a huge difference to my self-esteem and will to keep going.

Whatever matters most to you, remind yourself of that fact when you feel like giving up. Post it on the wall in big neon letters if you have to, just don’t throw away the progress you’ve made and remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and you’re weight won’t all come off that fast either. Simply keep at it, forgive yourself if you failed and carry on, this way you are sure to have weight loss success!

A good lose fat diet also needs to be healthy. For permanent weight loss your diet needs to be sustainable and supply all the nutrients you need. Part of weight loss success is a healthy diet

Remember, including exercise is very important. A good weight loss diet and moderate exercise is the best way to lose fat and lose it for good!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Good Lose Fat Diet

A good lose fat diet also needs to be healthy. For permanent weight loss your diet needs to be sustainable and supply all the nutrients you need. Part of a healthy diet is fat free or low fat dairy products. Today I want to have a look at yoghurt.

Not enough people eat yoghurt as part of a lose fat diet. It is very important to include at least one portion of yoghurt per day in your diet. Your body needs the probiotics in the yoghurt to stay healthy.

Things to be on the lookout in yoghurt:

  1. Make sure the yoghurt is non fat or fat free

  2. Eat unflavored, unsweetened yoghurt

  3. Read the labels to make sure the yoghurt contains live and active cultures

How to eat the yoghurt:

If you do not like unflavored unsweetened yoghurt there are some very tasty "legal" ways to make it taste better

  1. Chop up some of your fruit for the day, pour the yoghurt over and add a few drops of sweetener if you have to

  2. Yoghurt is also very tasty if added to muesli. Make sure the muesli is diet muesli and forms part of your carbs allowance for the day

  3. Make diet jelly with only part of the water, let it cool down a bit first to make sure you do not kill the cultures in the yoghurt, add the yoghurt to the jelly and let it set. This is very tasty, I do it often.

Remember, including exercise is also very important. A good lose fat diet and moderate exercise is the best way to lose fat and lose it for good!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fat Loss Foods - What Are Good Fat Loss Foods?

Fat Loss Foods - What Are Good Fat Loss Foods?

Fat loss foods … Aaa! I think we all dream about that magic foods we can eat and the fat will simply melt away. Unfortunately, good fat loss foods are ordinary food eaten in the correct portions in a healthy balanced diet. To see what a good balanced diet looks like have a look at yesterday's post.

That said, there are certain foods that are "better" fat loss foods than others. These foods are often called "negative calorie" foods. They are called thus because they normally use more calories to digest than they supply. Others simply speed up the metabolism and in that way assist in weight loss or fat loss.

For a complete list of the so-called "negative calorie" foods, go to the article "Can food Burn Fat" on the Strip All That Fat Website.

It is very important to realize that it is not really possible to "eat" yourself thin. Eating these fat loss foods can simply aid in the process. There is no getting away from a healthy diet if you want to obtain lasting results. You have to change your eating habits to a healthy well balanced, calorie controlled diet.

Another very important factor in losing fat is exercise. A healthy moderate exercise routine is essential if you are going to get rid of that fat. A balanced program will consist of at least 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week; if this cardio is weight bearing exercise, such as jogging, it is even better as it builds strong bones. The other part is resistance training. For this part, it may be best to go to a gym and get a well worked out balanced program.

Visit Strip All That Fat for all the weight loss info you need!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Which Diet Is Effective To Lose Weight?

Which Diet Is Effective To Lose Weight?

Knowing which diet is effective to lose weight is not as easy as it may sound. People differ and their diet requirements differ as well. Your level of activity, the kind of food you enjoy, your age and your health all plays a role. That being said there are certain guidelines for a diet that is effective to lose weight with that is the same for all people. Certain healthy diet guidelines are the same for all people and any good weight loss diet has to include all the basic food your body needs for optimum health.

Before making a decision about a diet, even though it might be effective to lose weight with, you need to know what a healthy diet looks like. Armed with this knowledge you will be able to make wise choices. Remember, even if a diet is effective to lose weight, if it is unhealthy, you will not be able to keep it up. If you do succeed in keeping it up, you will probably start having health problems because of malnutrition.

Guidelines for a healthy diet:

  1. Any well balanced diet contains lots of veggies. There are many vegetables that are really low in calories and they provide your body with lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

  2. A balanced diet does have to contain some carbs to provide your body with a source of energy for normal functioning. If you consume too little calories, your metabolism will slow down, making weight loss very difficult.

  3. Your body needs protein on a daily basis, so a well balanced diet will contain enough protein to meet your body's daily needs. Remember you want to burn fat and not muscle!

  4. To meet your body's needs to function properly, a well balanced diet will also contain an allowance for a few small portions of fruit a day.

  5. Calcium is also needed to maintain a healthy skeleton and other bodily functions so a well balanced diet will also include at least two small portions of fat free dairy products. There are some other important health needs for yoghurt as well that I'll get into in a later blog post.

  6. Another very important part of a well balanced diet is at least a little fat must be included. Your body needs some fat in the diet to be able to absorb the fat soluble vitamins, so, a well balanced diet will include some fat.

  7. You also need at least eight glasses of water a day to keep you hydrated and to provide your body of a means to get rid of toxins. Few people realize that we lose about eight cups of water a day simply by breathing!

  8. Alcohol contains lots of "empty" calories so on a weight reduction diet alcohol needs to be severely restricted. Whilst on a weight loss diet, you really have to keep alcohol for very special occasions, such as a toast at a wedding etc.

  9. So, now you know you do not only have to get a diet which is effective to lose weight, but the diet also needs to adhere to certain health principles.

You can get very good diet information on our site.

Go To Strip All That Fat Now!

Have a look at the Hubpage How To Lose Weight Calories as well.

Turbo Tagger