Saturday, February 7, 2009

Diet Motivation - No Weight Loss With Your Present Diet?

Diet Motivation

Are you having no weight loss with your diet at the moment? Does it feel like a never ending battle? Very often when we are having no weight loss with our present diet, it is because we have set up ourselves for failure even before you started your diet, without even knowing it.

If you are anything like me, you probably dread going on a diet and before you even start the process you are planning for your failures along the way. It is unfortunately so that we very often fear failure and therefore we prepare ourselves for it in advance.

1. Why the wrong mindset?

I have no idea why we start out with the wrong mindset, but it is something I see in dieters everywhere. Most of us start a diet by going on a binge of our most loved food as we have the idea that everything will have to be eliminated from our diets. We think it is impossible to lose weight without giving it all up completely! This is a very big mistake.

2. We have to keep moderation in mind:

Thinking this way is a very big mistake, if you are honest with yourself

, nothing could be further from the truth. Moderation is the key to successful weight loss and successful weight maintenance. It is not an all or nothing thing, it is everything in moderation for now and for always. We cannot have any long term weight loss with this way of thinking; we are setting ourselves up for failure!

3. We have to change the way we think about food:

I have learned that the key to successful weight loss is changing the way I think about food. You have to think about the enjoyment you get from food if you want to embrace any diet and successful. We all have to realize that food is not the enemy. This is something not many people really understand. Even the 'tasty' foods aren't the enemy. The enemy is you, yourself.

l inability to properly control the portions we eat. It is also important to realize what the right proportions of the different kinds of foods we eat are. The problem is that the vast majority of us eat the wrong foods far more often than we eat the right foods. This is where the problems lie.

4. You cannot be successful without getting all the necessary nutrients:

To function properly our bodies need certain nutrients. If we do no

t eat the five servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit each day, that we should, our bodies are reprieved of essential nutrients. Our bodies know that something is missing and we feel hungry or deprived. If we follow a balanced diet of fruits and veggies each day we will find that we are far less hungry and we will also have less of a craving for all the wrong kinds of food. This in turn means that we are far less likely to go on a binge and we will be able to enjoy these "illegal" foods in moderation.

5. Teach yourself what proper portions are:

Knowing what a proper portion is, is another big problem these days. We live in a society of "up sizing". We eat super sized fries and empty calories by the gallon with our favorite cola offered with almost every fast food meal we buy. It is essential that we all learn to decline these "up size" offers. Avoid situations where you may feel tempted to except these "up sized" orders. Start getting used to thinking "small."

6. Think of your diet as a change to a healthy lifestyle:

For real weight loss success you have to embrace your diet as a new healthy lifestyle. You will have no weight loss with your diet if you see it as depriving yourself, you have to see it as the road to a new healthier, sexier, you. Do not think of your weigh loss plan as something negative, think of it as a positive step in your life towards making changes for the better.

7. Ways to handle the negative feelings:

  • Do not direct negative thoughts to your diet
  • When you feel deprived remind yourself that you are relieving your bones of carrying around all that excess weight.
  • Remind yourself that you are getting rid of all those bulky clothes in your wardrobe.
  • Remind yourself that you are getting rid of years of bulges and bringing back the body of your youth.

8. Still enjoy life:

  • Do not get so caught up in dieting that you forget to enjoy some of the good things life has to offer.
  • Watching your weight and counting your calories does not mean that you can never go over your allotment.

9. The goal is to find balance:

  • Learn to portion your food correctly
  • Indulge in moderation
  • Incorporate enjoyable calorie burning activities into your daily routine

If you have had no weight loss with your present efforts it is possible that you have set yourself up for failure. Effective weight loss is a long term process and it requires a healthy lifestyle. You will have no weight loss with any diet if you do not embrace it as a new, healthy and permanent lifestyle.

Learn how to include small treats into your daily routine, in moderation, burn those extra calories with healthy activities, then you will find yourself a much happier and more successful 'dieter' than you have ever managed to be in the past. No weight loss is possible without these positive lifestyle changes. Keep this in mind and you will never have to wonder why you have no weight loss with your many efforts.

There is a diet that will help you with all your problems. It will show you how to lose fat and how to keep the fat off! With this diet you can finally put the yo-yo dieting to an end. The name is "Strip The Fat" and you can download it instantly.

Today can be the start of your new slim you!

Have a Look at "Strip The Fat"

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