Sunday, December 14, 2008

Desperate? Help to weight loss!

Desperate? Help to weight loss!

The most important help to weight loss is the mind. The mind convinces us from time to time that we need chocolate cake, NOW. Our mind is infinitely intelligent and generally knows what is good for our body. We know how we should eat to maintain a healthy body weight. What is it that interferes with our decision making process? Mind. So help to weight loss has to start with our mind.

We are human, and it is human to forget. From time to time, we forget and get off the wheel of "health and wellness," wandering into "eating whatever we want territory." We go in search of that elusive meal or fabulous snack that is going to make us feel full, satisfied, that is going to be the right thing. Even as I write this I am thinking how much I would enjoy a chocolate croissant and a grande decaf latte with soy, mmmm. I will have a glass of water first with lemon and cayenne pepper, clean out the bowls. Wait 30 minutes and have some fruit.

Then I will see if the craving is still there. It has not been a stellar week. It is the week before my cycle – does anyone have will power that week? I have been teaching my 13-year-old daughter about the benefits of very good chocolate and its ability to alter one’s mood in just such a hormonally imbalanced time of the month.

Help to weight loss comes from within. All the websites, books, coaches and doctors in the world cannot help us if we do not make a decision to change our life time habits and recognize how our bodies and our minds work. Make the decision to live a healthy life style once.

Make healthy choices at the grocery store, the restaurant and late at night when you are alone. Then when you do not, when you do eat the tub of Ben & Jerry’s, forgive yourself, notice how you feel before and after you eat it and go back to your healthy lifestyle. Exercise a little more the next day, drink more water, and remember to drink green tea after your meals. Find what works for you and stick to it. Remember help to weight loss can be what it may; you have the control in the end.
Desperate? Help to weight loss!

The most important help to weight loss is the mind. The mind convinces us from time to time that we need chocolate cake, NOW. Our mind is infinitely intelligent and generally knows what is good for our body. We know how we should eat to maintain a healthy body weight. What is it that interferes with our decision making process? Mind. So help to weight loss has to start with our mind.

We are human, and it is human to forget. From time to time, we forget and get off the wheel of "health and wellness," wandering into "eating whatever we want territory." We go in search of that elusive meal or fabulous snack that is going to make us feel full, satisfied, that is going to be the right thing. Even as I write this I am thinking how much I would enjoy a chocolate croissant and a grande decaf latte with soy, mmmm. I will have a glass of water first with lemon and cayenne pepper, clean out the bowls. Wait 30 minutes and have some fruit.

Then I will see if the craving is still there. It has not been a stellar week. It is the week before my cycle – does anyone have will power that week? I have been teaching my 13-year-old daughter about the benefits of very good chocolate and its ability to alter one’s mood in just such a hormonally imbalanced time of the month.

Help to weight loss comes from within. All the websites, books, coaches and doctors in the world cannot help us if we do not make a decision to change our life time habits and recognize how our bodies and our minds work. Make the decision to live a healthy life style once.

Make healthy choices at the grocery store, the restaurant and late at night when you are alone. Then when you do not, when you do eat the tub of Ben & Jerry’s, forgive yourself, notice how you feel before and after you eat it and go back to your healthy lifestyle. Exercise a little more the next day, drink more water, and remember to drink green tea after your meals. Find what works for you and stick to it. Remember help to weight loss can be what it may; you have the control in the end.
Desperate? Help to weight loss!

The most important help to weight loss is the mind. The mind convinces us from time to time that we need chocolate cake, NOW. Our mind is infinitely intelligent and generally knows what is good for our body. We know how we should eat to maintain a healthy body weight. What is it that interferes with our decision making process? Mind. So help to weight loss has to start with our mind.

We are human, and it is human to forget. From time to time, we forget and get off the wheel of "health and wellness," wandering into "eating whatever we want territory." We go in search of that elusive meal or fabulous snack that is going to make us feel full, satisfied, that is going to be the right thing. Even as I write this I am thinking how much I would enjoy a chocolate croissant and a grande decaf latte with soy, mmmm. I will have a glass of water first with lemon and cayenne pepper, clean out the bowls. Wait 30 minutes and have some fruit.

Then I will see if the craving is still there. It has not been a stellar week. It is the week before my cycle – does anyone have will power that week? I have been teaching my 13-year-old daughter about the benefits of very good chocolate and its ability to alter one’s mood in just such a hormonally imbalanced time of the month.

Help to weight loss comes from within. All the websites, books, coaches and doctors in the world cannot help us if we do not make a decision to change our life time habits and recognize how our bodies and our minds work. Make the decision to live a healthy life style once.

Make healthy choices at the grocery store, the restaurant and late at night when you are alone. Then when you do not, when you do eat the tub of Ben & Jerry’s, forgive yourself, notice how you feel before and after you eat it and go back to your healthy lifestyle. Exercise a little more the next day, drink more water, and remember to drink green tea after your meals. Find what works for you and stick to it. Remember help to weight loss can be what it may; you have the control in the end.

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