Can Food Burn Fat
This is a burning question, "Can Food Burn Fat?" First of all no foods are going to burn fat. Know that. But the consumption of certain foods can improve the efficiency of ones metabolism; the way that the body makes use of the foods that we eat; and how the body stores fats.
My picks for foods that “burn fat”, include green tea, grapefruit, lemon, bananas, apples, pears, broccoli, low-fat goats milk yogurt and if you are a meat eater, low-fat turkey, oatmeal, hot peppers, and including spices in your diet like ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric and cayenne pepper. All of these foods can help to keep the metabolic fires burning. So, if you are wondering, "Can Food Burn Fat" it may not be true in the strictest sense, but the right foods really can help in the process.
Green Tea – has been demonstrated in laboratory test to reduce fat and help to burn off fat in the body. It may be well worth your trouble to look into green tea, even for other health reasons.
Make sure that you are eating enough calories to burn off the fat you are consuming. You have to prevent your body from going into "starvation" mode. Our bodies will store fat if we are not getting enough calories. The mechanism in the brain, that will protect the body from starvation, stores fat for future use if we are not consuming enough calories for a healthy adult body on a regular basis.
For a healthy female body we should weigh about 105 pounds at 5 feet and about 5 lbs for every inch after that. Of course this is depending on your body type. Muscle weighs more than fat and looks different. So be aware of how you feel and what the body mass is compared to fat and muscle and consume enough calories to maintain your ideal weight.
Muscle also burns more calories than fat. It is therefore a good idea to build muscle and speed up your metabolism. Do not be put off by the possible weight gain in the beginning, that is because muscle weighs more than fat. As the process continues and you burn fat, your weight will drop and you will have a lovely sculpted body.
Can food burn fat? The right foods can help, that is for sure. Do you know all the other "How To Lose Fat Tips?" Subscribe to our e-course and get them all!
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