How can I lose fat?! Start by counting calories, not just fat. Reducing the total number of calories in one’s diet, not just those from fat is the best way to lose body fat. Increase your low to moderate activity rate, walk a little more (30-40 minutes a day), jog a little slower if you are running in the high end of your training zone.
There are literally millions of websites and articles that will tell you all their secrets about how to lose fat (google search: Results 1 - 10 of about 1,680,000 for how can I lose fat. (0.22 seconds). Try just becoming aware of what you are eating and if you are exercising, what is the intensity of that exercise.
To help you lose fat, keep a food journal and write down everything you eat, how you feel before you eat it, describe the feelings, hungry, empty… describe how you feel while you are eating and after you eat, notice 30 minutes after eating how are you feeling. Begin to become aware of any trends that you notice. Did food fix the empty feeling? How did it feel with food in there? Is this really what you wanted? What else might fill up that space? A chat with a friend, a good book or an herbal tea can help us to feel fulfilled, which can lead to feeling full-up.
That is one of my tricks; make a tea and use it as a meditation. Smell the lovely, mouth watering aroma of the tea, wait for the tea to cool and then the anticipatory first sip, savoring the simple or complex flavor to the tea and sometimes, a little while later, noticing how good the tea tastes even when it has grown cold. By the time the tea is done I have forgotten that I was craving simple carbohydrates. Follow this advice and you will never have to ask the question "How Can I Lose Fat" again!
Have a look at Strip All That Fat for more fat loss tips.
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