Monday, December 3, 2012

Why is Exercise Important?

No one wants to be unhealthy. Being unhealthy can lead to a wide variety of diseases attacking our bodies. Getting old before your time is the fate of many people who suffer from an unhealthy lifestyle. To regain our health, we need to eat right and exercise our bodies.
Exercise improves heart and lung function among other things. Ever notice those people, and maybe this is you also, who are huffing and puffing after walking a flight of stairs? You would think they had just run five miles the way they are breathing. That is a sure sign that their body is not getting enough oxygen and their muscles that are out of shape.
The body learns to use oxygen more efficiently when we participate in a regular exercise program. By program I mean consistent exercise. It could be walking around the neighborhood, jogging at the school track or working out at the local gym. As long as you do it more than once a month, your body will begin to use less oxygen to accomplish that exercise. When that happens, it is time to increase the time and intensity of the workout.
It is necessary for the heart to pump blood throughout the body. The heart can do this more efficiently when the body is in shape. Tissues stay oxygenated and hydrated to the point that your skin will glow and your resting heart rate and pulse will be lowered as well.
People have all heard that exercise releases “feel good” hormones and it’s true. Your outlook on situations will change when you have had a good run or walk to clear your head. Just the fact that you have completed the workout will make you feel better about yourself. If you want to keep those good vibrations, you have to continue to exercise.
Obesity is an epidemic among adults and kids in America. Carrying extra weight leads to health problems that can include Type II Diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and heart attacks. All of these are life-threatening conditions that should be prevented when possible. The buildup of plaque in the arteries of the body can cause a heart attack or stroke to occur. At age thirty-five or forty, you don’t want to be worried about a heart attack. If you are morbidly obese, things like a heart attack well before old age can become reality. Taking preventative measures such as exercising, will help to lessen your risk of facing serious health conditions like those mentioned above.
Exercise is a way to burn off extra calories and lose weight. Combined with healthy eating, exercise helps the body return to it’s normal functioning state. This is important as we age. Our bones get weaker and more brittle. Our muscles begin to waste away to the tune of a pound a year after age forty. Exercise strengthens the bones and builds up strong lean muscle therefore prolonging the aging process.
This is the only body we’ll get. Treat it to the best. Exercise three or more times a week for improved health and a longer, happier life.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How To Lose Weight Tips That Are Easy To Follow

Any "how to lose weight tips" needs to be fun and easy if they are going to be of any practical use to you. The reason why you are looking for "how to lose weight tips" probably are because you have tried so many diets already and are still battling to get rid of those extra pounds permanently.

The funny thing is, the best "how to lose weight tip" is; eat a healthy calorie controlled diet and do moderate exercise. If you do this, your weight loss will be slower, but healthy and permanent.

Now you may well ask what is a healthy calorie controlled diet and what kind of moderate exercise will work? Let us have a look at each in turn.

Healthy calorie controlled diet:

A healthy calorie controlled diet consists of all the food groups in the right proportions,  prepared in a healthy low fat way. It is not a good idea to eat only certain kinds of food. This will only lead to malnutrition and food cravings.

So what should you eat?
  • Eat at least five small portions of carbohydrates and starchy vegetables a day
  • Eat at least three small portions of low fat proteins a day
  • Eat three kinds of vegetables that are a little higher in calories such as beetroot, pumpkin, carrots etc.
  • Eat at least three portions of relatively low calorie vegetables such as lettuce, string beans, cucumber, tomatoes, baby morrows, sweet peppers etc.
  • Eat at least two portions of low fat dairy a day
  • Eat at least three small portions of fruit a day
  • Eat two teaspoons of fat a day such as olive oil, butter and soft margarine. Use it for spreading as well as the preparations of your food.
  • Drink lots of water and try and cut out coffee as far as possible. There are studies that seen to show that coffee can be good for weight loss, but huge amounts of coffee is never good for your health.
  • Cut out all soft drinks and alcohol as far as possible. On special occasions try and keep it to the minimum.
These tips are for healthy, not too active, women. If you do a lot of exercise you need to increase your carbohydrates and protein a little. Men also need to eat a little more as they need more calories a day for their normal bodily functions. They need more protein because their body has more muscle than that of a woman.

Healthy exercise:

Any activity that increases your heart rate can be considered exercise. Even doing chores! Walking is a favorite of many as you can do it whenever you have the time. Make sure that you increase your heat rate for at least half an hour three days a week. Do not overdo it if you are very unfit as it may harm you.

Lastly, never start a weight loss plan before you have had a thorough physical checkup and have received the thumbs up from a medical practitioner. This is especially true if you have any underlying illnesses and conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

How To Lose Fat Legs - Not So Fast, But Steadily

Do you desperately need to loose fat legs? Does it feel impossible to find out how to lose fat legs? I know, it feels like that. So many ideas and which ones work and which ones do not?

If you want to burn fat legs, you will have to work at it. Nothing ever comes easy, but it can be done if you have the perseverance.

Unfortunately there are no shortcuts to losing fat on your legs. But, if you follow a sensible plan and stick to it, you will loose fat legs. Burn Fat Legs and feel great.

Here follows a broad outline of the plan you have to follow. Stick to it and you will succeed. I know it may not look so easy, but you will be surprised how easy it all becomes once you get used to it.

 I’m sorry, I cannot make any false claims here, but it will happen even if it takes a little while. All good things are worth working towards and waiting for.

For how to lose fat legs you have to do two things:

  1. Go onto a good diet
  2. Do leg exercises

How do I know if a diet is good?

All I can say is, if you only have to eat mainly one kind of food all the time, you know it is not a good diet. If you go to Loose Fat Legs, you will get a good idea of what a fad diet is. You really have to avoid fad diets like the plague!

Eat a healthy, calorie controlled diet and you should be fine. If you eat too little you will only be setting yourself up for problems later on. So make very sure you choose a good diet that will not make you gain weight in the long run.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Gluten Free Diet And You

There was a time when having to eat a gluten free diet, meant a severe limitation of tasty choices. However, because of the rise in awareness for the need of gluten free products, manufacturers are stepping up their efforts to produce gluten free products. In fact, there are more gluten free products available now then there ever have been. Manufacturers will probably increase the numbers further as time progresses. If you do have to go on a gluten free diet, you don’t have to worry too much about giving up your favorite foods. Chances are you’ll be able to find a gluten free substitute. If you can’t, there are a lot of quality gluten free recipes on the internet.

1. What is gluten?

Gluten is certain type of protein. Gluten is found in foods such as rye, wheat, and barley. Because most breads and cereals make use of these foods, they usually also contain gluten. Just because the food is a grain, doesn’t necessarily mean it contains gluten. For example, wild rice, corn, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, quinoa, teff, soybeans and sunflower seeds don’t contain gluten.

There is some controversy surrounding oats. There is conflicting reports about oats. Many processed foods contain gluten, because it is used as a food additive by many food manufacturers.

2. Who should be on a gluten free diet?

If you suffer from an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine, called celiac disease, you will most likely be put on a gluten free diet. Celiac disease is often misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome. Some people have the disease but don’t really show any outward symptoms. The most common symptoms of Celiac disease include: Chronic diarrhea, the inability to gain weight, unexplained iron-deficiency anemia, bone or joint pain, arthritis, depression or anxiety, tingling numbness in the hands and feet, seizures, canker sores, missed periods, itchy skin rash, and fatigue.

There are some people who suffer from fibromyalgia who claim a gluten free diet has helped alleviate some of their symptoms. If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you should discuss this option with your doctor. You may get some resistance from your doctor, because at this time, there hasn’t been any major research into the effects of a gluten free diet on firbromyalgia. If you really want to try it, ultimately, it will be your decision. You just have to make sure with your doctor that you have no health issues that would preclude you from going on a gluten free diet, clear it with your doctor first.

People with diabetes may benefit from a gluten free diet. You have to be careful about going on a gluten free diet if you have diabetes. A lot of gluten free products add extra sugar or extra fat to make them taste better. It is extremely important you talk about going on a gluten free diet with your doctor or nutritionist before you consider going on a gluten free diet.

If your doctor says you have to go on a gluten free diet, or you want to and your doctor says its okay, then you will have many food choices still available to you. You just have to look at labels carefully. Manufacturers are producing more and more gluten free foods. If you have a craving for something that isn’t gluten free, there are plenty of gluten free recipes on the internet. There are also many gluten free diet cook books available too.

Friday, February 17, 2012

5 Surprising Foods To Help You Lose Weight

It may surprise you to know you don't have to nibble on celery sticks or carrots to get that metabolism going to burn calories to lose weight.  Many foods are thought to be fattening, when in fact they actually can help your body burn fat so you can slim down faster.  There are good reasons to re-think some of the “forbidden” foods when deciding what foods to choose for your diet.  Let's take a look at a few of these much aligned foods to set the record straight.

1. Almonds

Who would have thought that this small nut would have such a significant impact on weight loss? A Purdue University study showed that when compared to eating rice cakes, people who ate a handful of almonds felt fuller longer. Surprisingly, almonds are loaded with fat, but it's good fat. It's the kind of fat that your brain and body needs to function. Enjoy about 16 to 20 almonds every day to satisfy your hunger without overloading on calories. 

2. Olive Oil

A healthy intake of fats can help you lose weight. How? By controlling hunger. Fats make you feel full. Monounsaturated fats are a good choice because you will keep cholesterol under control while satisfying your cravings, and olive oil fits the bill. Eliminating fats from your diet to lose weight has been a dieting standard for many years, but certain fats are essential to a healthy diet.  This concept is surprising to many long-term dieters.  But, in these modern times, science has proven that oils, the right oil, provides nutrition that your body needs as well as weight loss benefits.

3. Peanut Butter

Who would have guessed that a kid-friendly food could be diet friendly, too? Peanut butter is packed with niacin, which keeps the digestive system on track and prevents belly bloat. Just keep an eye on portion size because peanut butter can have a lot of fat and even sugar.  Limit yourself to no more than two tablespoons a day and be sure to pick a natural peanut butter so you avoid the added sugars.

4. Parmigiano- Reggiano Cheese

Another on the list of unexpected foods to help slim you down is a particular favorite of most foodies. This low-calorie, calcium-rich treat activates the body's fat-burning hormones, say University of Wisconsin researchers. This cheese also has a higher protein content compared to other dairy products. Consider adding this powerhouse of flavor to roasted vegetables for that little extra boost.

5. Animal Fats

We've been told for so long that you have to eliminate animal fat from your diet to lose weight, that it's hard to wrap your head around this one, right?  But, new research has proven that animal fat provides some nutritional value you need and may be a better choice than other forms of fat in some cases.  Not only does fat in your food make you feel full, but certain animal fat may provide your body with some missing elements.  Even the much dreaded lard has been making a dietary come back.  Your body needs vitamin D to feel good and to function.  Interestingly, foods that provide vitamin D, all of which are animal foods, tend to be high in cholesterol.  What does this have to do with weight loss?  If you are not getting enough vitamin D, you will not be active.  Your bones and muscles are going to suffer, keeping you sedentary, which is a disaster when trying to lose weight.  So, animal fats in moderation should be on your weight loss radar.

Through the years, there have been diet gurus who have pitched some pretty far-fetched ideas about weight loss.  Usually, it comes down to moderation.  Avoiding certain foods entirely, even the foods that “sound” fattening, may not be the best way to lose weight and keep it off.  It's confusing, I know.  But, give it some thought and decide for yourself which weight loss theories make sense to you.

For more good advice you can go to How Can I Lose Fat 


Friday, February 10, 2012

The Truth About Mothers And Their Daughters Resemblance On BMI Charts

You may be wondering whether mothers and their daughters' resemblance on BMI is a sure thing?  It's easy to assume that a daughter might take after her mother's eating habits and have a similar BMI as her mother, for many reasons.  But they might not be the reasons you'd think.  But first, let's make it clear what BMI is.

BMI or body mass index is nothing more than the measure of a person's weight in relation to her height.  A person's weight in kilograms is divided by a person's height in meters, squared (which is simply a person's height times itself—if I'm 1.5 meters tall, I would take 1.5 times 1.5).  The resulting number is her BMI.  A normal BMI is anything from 18.5 to 24.5, and 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, with anything above that considered obese.  A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight.  BMI is a good general measurement for most people, although very muscular people usually measure as overweight or obese because BMI doesn't distinguish between muscle weight and fat weight.

So, back to mothers and their daughters' resemblance on BMI, does it guarantee that a daughter will be overweight if her mother has a high BMI?  Will a normal weight mother raise a normal weight daughter?  Will the daughter be underweight if the mother is too skinny?  While nothing is certain 100% of the time, there are some factors that push those answers more toward a yes than a no.

Genetics do play a part in a person's tendency toward staying thin or gaining weight.  Hereditary factors like body type are impossible to change.  Tendency toward a slow metabolism can be boosted by exercise, good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, but genetics will help determine how easy or difficult keeping a high metabolism may be for a daughter. 

The environment is a huge factor.  When a mother is overweight, for example, and she generally cooks for the family, the family eat what she eats to a large degree.  So it's easy to see why mothers and their daughters' resemblance on BMI is often very similar.  Living with a person, especially someone with the influence a mother has on a daughter, also tends to shape a person's attitudes.  So if the mother is very active, eats healthy and stays physically fit, it's more likely than a child, especially a daughter, will do the same.  Conversely, a mother who is overweight, rarely gets exercise and doesn't seem overly concerned with weight loss or health is likely to bring up her daughter with the same outlook.  In both cases, it's no surprise that their BMIs might be similar.

So not only do the attitudes about food and fitness filter down from mothers to daughters, the type of food eaten, and even the amount of food eaten, can filter down, too. Mothers and their daughters' resemblance on BMI charts is no coincidence, and only shows the need for families to be aware of their health and fitness even when children are small.