No one wants to be unhealthy. Being unhealthy can lead
to a wide variety of diseases attacking our bodies. Getting old
before your time is the fate of many people who suffer from an
unhealthy lifestyle. To regain our health, we need to eat right and
exercise our bodies.
Exercise improves heart and lung function among other
things. Ever notice those people, and maybe this is you also, who are
huffing and puffing after walking a flight of stairs? You would think
they had just run five miles the way they are breathing. That is a
sure sign that their body is not getting enough oxygen and their
muscles that are out of shape.
The body learns to use oxygen more efficiently when we
participate in a regular exercise program. By program I mean
consistent exercise. It could be walking around the neighborhood,
jogging at the school track or working out at the local gym. As long
as you do it more than once a month, your body will begin to use less
oxygen to accomplish that exercise. When that happens, it is time to
increase the time and intensity of the workout.
It is necessary for the heart to pump blood throughout
the body. The heart can do this more efficiently when the body is in
shape. Tissues stay oxygenated and hydrated to the point that your
skin will glow and your resting heart rate and pulse will be lowered
as well.
People have all heard that exercise releases “feel
good” hormones and it’s true. Your outlook on situations will
change when you have had a good run or walk to clear your head. Just
the fact that you have completed the workout will make you feel
better about yourself. If you want to keep those good vibrations, you
have to continue to exercise.
Obesity is an epidemic among adults and kids in America.
Carrying extra weight leads to health problems that can include Type
II Diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and heart
attacks. All of these are life-threatening conditions that should be
prevented when possible. The buildup of plaque in the arteries of the
body can cause a heart attack or stroke to occur. At age thirty-five
or forty, you don’t want to be worried about a heart attack. If you
are morbidly obese, things like a heart attack well before old age
can become reality. Taking preventative measures such as exercising,
will help to lessen your risk of facing serious health conditions
like those mentioned above.
Exercise is a way to burn off extra calories and lose
weight. Combined with healthy eating, exercise helps the body return
to it’s normal functioning state. This is important as we age. Our
bones get weaker and more brittle. Our muscles begin to waste away to
the tune of a pound a year after age forty. Exercise strengthens the
bones and builds up strong lean muscle therefore prolonging the aging
This is the only body we’ll get. Treat it to the best.
Exercise three or more times a week for improved health and a longer,
happier life.