Friday, May 27, 2011

Whats Inside Your Cup Of Tea, The Advantages Of Tea

In the preceding years, a good bit has been uncovered as regards to the benefits of tea. It is branded as a “wonder drug” by many and regardless if it is right or not is still an argument in the health industry. Though returning to ancient times, tea have been utilized by quite a few countries specifically in Japan, China, England, and India to name a few.

The buzz about the benefits of tea is becoming more and more persistent so that it can no longer be ignored. Testimonies after testimonies of people who are discovering the health effects of tea can no longer be put to silence. Well, no one can actually deny the fact that countries who consume tea the most also have the most number of people who live the longest life.

1. Benefits of Tea in Aging

Tea is known to be rich in antioxidants which are generally known to combat the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of aging. Experiments carried out shows that mice fed with tea display lesser signs of aging than those which are just fed with water.

2. Benefits of Tea in Bone Strength

Tea flavonoids can help strengthen the bones. People who regularly drink green, black, oolong tea have higher bone mineral densities compared to those who are not tea drinkers.

3. Benefits of Tea in Cancer Prevention

Tea is now known to be one of the best cancer fighting drinks in the world. Black tea and green tea top the list of teas which are beneficial to cancer prevention. The compounds found in teas are reported to help keep cells from turning malignant. Simply put, people who drink tea get lesser chances of getting cancer.

4. Benefits of Tea in Lowering Cholesterol

Bad cholesterol levels can be lowered down by tea. In one research where patients are asked to eat healthy meals and drink five cups of tea, levels of bad cholesterol dropped up to ten percent.

5. Benefits of Tea in Weight Loss

More people are looking for a cheaper and easier way to lose weight. Tea has made its way to the spotlight when research shows that it can increase metabolism hence reduces the chances of one gaining weight. Tea is also known to accelerate the burning of calories which includes fat calories. Aside from its weight loss benefits, tea diets encourage a dieter to exercise and eat well.

6. Benefits of Tea to the Heart

Tea drinkers have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and lesser chances of suffering from heart disease. Black tea is highly recommended to lower bad cholesterol.

Tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Its health benefits are many and differ from person to person and from tea to tea. Tea’s antioxidant polyphenols are acknowledged to combat many health ailments such as cancer, blood clotting, high cholesterol levels, allergies, and many more. Decide on the right tea for your diet and reap the benefits of a healthy drink. Don’t forget to consult your doctor for advice on which one is right for you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Fat Smash Diet Plan Will Smash Down The Pounds

American are becoming more and more overweight. The fact is that the majority of Americans are at least a little overweight or full out obese. It is amazing because it is in spite of all the billions of dollars spent every year on diet-related products. Even so, we are all still looking at different diets, in our quest for the PERFECT diet that will make us lose weight easily.

If you would rather smash the fat than smash the scale when you step on it, the Fat Smash Diet plan may be just the tool to help you on your way to a healthier, slimmer, happier you. The plan is divided into four sections, or phases, and each phase is designed to help you lose weight while adjusting your lifestyle so that you never again feel the need to try another diet.

Phase I of the Fat Smash Diet plan is only nine days long, and in this phase, you clean out your system and detoxify. Getting rid of the impurities that build up over a lifetime is a great way to begin and before you even get to the second phase, you are likely to feel better than you did just nine days earlier. You eat your veggies raw, steamed, or grilled, drink lots of water, and limit fats. The best part of phase I is that you get to eat very often – four to five times a day. There are lots of really good foods that you are allowed to eat, too. You can have milk (soy or skim), legumes, oatmeal, as many vegetables as you want, tofu, and a few other items like beans and garbanzo beans.

Phase II of the Fat Smash Diet plan comes along after nine days of the yummy foods above and the list of allowable foods increases. After the first nine days, you can add meat to your Fat Smash Diet plan. Seafood, lean meats, whole grain cereals, and even eggs, butter, and sugar are added to the list of sensory delights that you can enjoy. You continue to prepare foods by steaming or grilling and continue to eat small meals many times per day. Phase II ends after three weeks.

Phase III lasts for four weeks, and the preparation methods are pretty much the same. Even more foods are now allowed, though, including pasta and bread. Who can be sad when they are eating spaghetti?

Phase IV continues with healthy food preparation and portion control. As the last phase of the Fat Smash Diet plan, this is the phase that is designed to last you the rest of your life. Smith, the diet creator, believes that all the good habits developed in the first three phases will now allow you to choose wholesome, nutritious foods and keep you in the habit of eating smaller meals more frequently.

Along with the “rules” and lists of foods that are allowed and not allowed, Smith gives you advice and tips on eating healthy. He also understands that people will have cravings and actually deserve an occasional treat, so you are allowed to indulge a little bit every once in a while. Completely denying yourself a little indulgence from time to time is what makes diets so hard, so Smith helps you deal with that.

So what you have to do is smash the old ways, get rid of those extra pounds start enjoying life again with the Fat Smash Diet plan. A change in lifestyle is all that is going to be a permanent solution and the Fat Smash Diet Plan can help you with it.