Sunday, September 27, 2009

Discover How Easy A 3 Day Detox Diet Will Make You Feel And Look Better

 The 3 Day Detox Diet

Have you been looking for the fastest, safest and easiest way to feel better and look better? This article will provide you the right way to go about it.

A 3 day detox diet is a fantastic way to quickly clean out your system without committing to a long term diet change. Diets that go for any longer than a few days are notoriously hard to stick to, but if you know in your mind, that you must only stick to it for three days then amazingly it becomes more of a pleasure than a chore.

Actually the overall plan is extremely simple and very easy to execute. There are several varieties of this diet and it’s up to you to choose the one that suits your tastes and lifestyle. However, you must stick to the exact diet though; otherwise your detoxification process will be ruined.

Day 1

This is the day to cleanse the system. Getting rid of all that build up is the toughest part, but you start by drinking water first thing in the morning. After that, water is all you drink besides some fresh fruit juice (and ONLY fresh, no added sugars!).

Breakfast should be a light wholegrain cereal and fruit, lunch can be some veggies and fresh fish (grilled) and dinner a similar menu. Salad is allowed as are fruits but the order of the day is vegetables and water - these are fantastic elimination products.  You should be exercising on day 1 - a brisk walk for 30 minutes will do the trick.

Day 2

Today is the day to build upon the detoxification process that is well underway. You don’t want to stop it now, so it is impetrative to keep drinking water and lots of it. No coffee or tea are allowed during this entire process, nor is junk food (obvious but should be pointed out!). Did I hear a groan on that last one? Get over it! You want to feel good and look better don’t you? 

Breakfast today should consist only of fresh fruit and water. A green salad is great for lunch and steamed fish and vegetables for dinner. After today you will start feeling amazing and your skin will start to look clearer after just two days on this ultra healthy diet. You'll also lose the bloated feeling around the stomach.

Day 3

Water and fruit rule day three. You may feel very hungry today but that’s ok, your body is finally cleaning out all those toxins. Keep going and get through today without exerting much energy. Vegetables for dinner will ensure your body does not crave food overnight.

Your 3 Day Detox diet seems very sparse, but remember it is only for three days and the whole idea is to cleanse your body. By not eating foods which have chemicals or other unnatural substances in them, you’re giving your body a totally natural diet, the way it was intended to be. Now go take a look in the mirror, give yourself a high five, because you’re feeling better and you’re looking hot.

Remember, this is only a 3 day detox, do not try and keep it up longer as your metabolism will slow down. Also do not try and eat less than you have to because that will also slow down your metabolism!

If you have a lot of weight to lose I will suggest a diet such as Strip That Fat that will show you how to reach your goal and how to keep the weight off afterward!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

An In-Depth Review of the Creative Fitness Door Gym - Fitness Equiptment

When it comes to fitness equipment, I think that most of us are probably looking for something that is simple and easy to set up and use, and something that doesn't take a big chunk out of our wallets. With those criteria in mind, I did my research and learned that one of the most popular pieces of fitness equipment on the market today is the Creative Fitness Door Gym. If you're like me and ease and affordability are what you're looking for, then you could do far worse than this useful and inexpensive device.

Three chief features of this outstanding little piece of workout ware are the low cost, the ease of use, and the tremendous convenience it provides. This versatile fitness device can be set up in less than a minute on just about any door frame, and the ingenious design of the Creative Fitness Door Gym allows you to work out in the convenient setting and privacy of your own home or office. Since it requires no permanent fasteners, you can carry it from home to work -- then back home again -- and set it back up in just a matter of seconds.

In essence, the Creative Fitness Door Gym is a strong, padded pull up bar that mounts easily and securely in practically any door frame. It attaches without any screws or bolts or the like, so you don't have to make it a permanent fixture. That means the device is small, portable, and simple to install and use. I've got to say, I was initially concerned that a piece of fitness equipment this inexpensive wouldn't be sturdy enough for me to use and still feel safe. Once I received the unit and installed it, all of those concerns melted away. The Creative Fitness Door Gym is very well engineered and solidly constructed, so you shouldn't have any concerns when using it to help get yourself in shape.

The principle behind the Creative Fitness Door Gym is that it uses your own body weight for resistance. According to the manufacturer, it is capable of safely supporting up to 300 pounds. In addition to the traditional pull up bar, this wonderful piece of workout gear includes two special grip handles that are set up so that you can also work out with your palms facing together, which is a good method for isolating muscles in the middle of your back. That's a wise little addition that further extends the value of this low cost, easy to use, effective fitness device.

The makers of the Creative Fitness Door Gym also say that the unit can be placed on the floor and used to help enhance push ups as well, but to be honest, this isn't a particularly big selling point. Instead, if you just simply stick to the primary function of the device, you will certainly find it to be a well constructed, sturdy, and useful piece of workout equipment that makes it well worth the very affordable price.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Chinese Weight Loss Tea as a Diet Remedy

Chinese weight loss tea uses natural products to help you achieve the slimmer body you desire.  There are a variety of different types of Chinese weight loss tea including WuLi, Pu-Erh, and Oolong tea.

After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage on earth.  So, can tea actually help you lose weight and achieve your ideal body?
It is easy to incorporate tea into your diet.  In fact, one of the best things about Chinese weight loss tea is that you are adding something rather than subtracting something from your diet.
The Chinese weight loss tea works by acting as a metabolic stimulant.  It helps your body to burn more calories and fats by increasing bodily functions.  Because it has only four calories a serving, you will not be gaining any weight when you drink tea of any kind.  However, when you drink Chinese weight loss tea, you take in phenols which help to burn fat and decrease blood cholesterol levels.

Chinese tea that helps you lose weight will have up to 70 percent oxidation.  This speeds up your metabolism and activates enzymes to let you burn fat. 
If you are drinking Chinese tea with the intention of losing weight, you must drink it at least two times a day.  The rest of your diet should be healthy as well.  You should include some physical activity in your daily regime as well. 
Tea must be grown in a region which receives at least 50 inches of water per year.  Tea has a growth phase and a dormant phase.  When the new tea shoots emerge as the weather begins to warm, the plant can be harvested.  All types of tea come from the same plant and are harvested in the same way.

But it is the drying process that gives some teas their special weight loss effects.  There are some teas that are dried for up to 100 years!  (That is long term planning!)

Most of the tea plant evaporates in the drying process.  Most of the time, the drying process involves baking the tea leaves. 
After the tea is dried, there may be a final process known as curing which gives tea its great flavor.

Chinese weight loss tea is oxidized for two to three days and is known as blue tea or semi-oxidized tea.  It tends to taste more like green tea than black tea. 
Chinese weight loss tea is best prepared with very warm, but not boiling, water.  You can brew this tea several times from the same leaves.  The taste actually improves with each brewing.  It is common to steep the tea up to five times and the consensus is the third brewing is best.

If you want to get skinny, one of the tools at your disposal is Chinese weight loss tea.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tips About Complications Gastric Bypass Recovery

Maybe you are not considering gastric bypass surgery and are not worried about complications gastric bypass surgery. Maybe all you want to do is loose fat legs. Then maybe all you are interested in is how to lose fat legs. If that is the case go to How To Lose Weight Calories and have a look.
On the other hand, if you are having gastric bypass surgery done, you are probably interested in tips about complications gastric bypass recovery, in that case, read on!

If you are wondering about the possible complication of gastric bypass recovery, you are probably one of the many considering it. Strange as it may sound, there are not that much information available.
To make it worse, the info that is available is often written in medical language and it is hard for us normal humans to understand.  So this is why there is a huge demand for this info in language that everyone can understand. It is after all non-medical people that are having a gastric bypass, most of the time, at least!
So if you are going to have a gastric bypass the following will help. Keep in mind that it cannot replace the advice from your doctor. It will help you to understand the risks though.
It is important to remember that there are a lot of different forms of this surgery; this is why there can’t be one comprehensive guide for all of these different forms of the surgery. Due to this reason, the following guide is just a general list of risks and complications gastric bypass surgery can result in.
It is important to remember that this guide should not replace professional help; you should always consult your doctor or medical health professional before considering any types of surgery or taking any medications. Secondly, you should note that everyone’s body will react differently to the surgery and healing times as well as any complications might be specific to the person.

In the most extreme conditions complications gastric bypass surgery causes can lead to death. It’s important to remember that this is really rare and only occurs in about one per 200 to 300 surgeries. The risk factor of a result as serious as this will all depend on many different things including your age, weight, and overall medical health condition.

Perhaps one of the most common complications from this surgery, although it is still extremely rare, is blood clots in the legs. These are more likely to appear in extremely overweight people that are classified as morbidly obese. There are many risks factors that are commonly associated with blood clots.
If you are concerned about the likelihood of these complications gastric bypass surgery can potentially cause such as blood clots, you should always consult your doctor or medical health professional in order to get their medical opinion. In some cases your doctor may refer you to someone that specializes in gastric bypass recovery.

Another set of complications gastric bypass surgery is known to cause is leaking at one of the staples on the stomach. For the most part this complication can be treated with antibiotics and most people will make a full recovery quite easily. However there are some rare cases where this condition might need emergency surgery in order to correct it. This is perhaps one of the most rare complications in recent years as the risks of this type of surgery steadily decrease.
If you have any questions about this medical procedure or complications caused by gastric bypass surgery, the best thing you can do is consult your medical healthcare professional or doctor to get their medical opinion.
OK, so maybe you are not considering gastric bypass surgery. Maybe all you want is to loose fat legs and are wondering about how to lose fat legs. Well have a look at How To Lose Weight Calories for more info.